The Pennsylvania State spends around $40,000 per state prisoner and $18,000 per county inmate per year. (Source) 6.2% of Pennsylvania's general funds was focused on corrections, (Source pdf) while the state appropriates $8,950 per student. (Source)
Obviously there are more costs associated with inmates (living quarters, medical costs, etc) but for the amount of time and money we invest in those who have broken the law, it seems we have the priorities backwards. If we can provide three meals a day for an inmate, why shouldn't we be doing this for all students? Our children should have the best run facilities in the country for them to learn. The prisons should be run as a basic facility that does not sacrifice security or basic human rights. (Get rid of the exercise equipment and television entertainment; books only!). It's supposed to be punishment. If the taxpayers pay for health care for criminals, shouldn't every student have access regardless of their parents financial and employment situation?
The common sense of it all has been lost. Our children's future will be next if things don't get re-prioritized.
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